Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Raw Footage Test Shoot Fisheye Lens

This is another test shoot for the same scene in my short film. However this time I used a fisheye lens for a different affect which I think has worked a lot better.

Diary 16/10/12

My first shoot for my short film has now been changed to thursday in order to accommodate to everyones availability. Im going to start setting up my equipment and sets at 3 and then start filming at 4-4:30. Im going to start with the outside shots I need while its still light. We will then go back inside the house in order to shoot the indoor shots. Finally we will go back out about 9/10pm to shoot some evening/night time shots.

Raw Footage Of Test Shoot

This is a bit of raw footage i've filmed to test out how it will appear and work in my final piece.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

To Do List

This is just a quick to do list I made a couple of weeks ago in order to keep track of everything I needed to complete for my project. Its pretty basic but has allowed me to keep a focus on what needs to be done and not get sidetracked.

Camera Equipment: Self Film

This piece of equipment has fortunately been at my disposal as it was created by a media student several years ago. It basically consists of a harness that attaches to the users torso with a wooden mast coming out you connect the camera to. This gives the great effect of being able to film the user walking face on which is a  shot I intend to use in my short film.

Unsuccessful Life Costume: Hoodie

This is another piece of clothing my actor for my unsuccessful world is going to wear. This is because it is basic and average everything his life is. Also just the item of clothing that is a hoodie evokes negativity in a social standing.

Unsuccessful Life Costume: T-Shirt

This is probably the t-shirt I am going to get my actor to wear for the unsuccessful life segment of the short film. It is rather plain and un exciting. This is similar to the life he leads. However I may change this at a later date depending on if I find a better one.

Diary 11/10/12

Due to the difference in appearance between the two worlds it is going to cause me to need to film my short film on several different days. I am going to start filming next wednesday. This is mainly for two reasons, firstly it is a day that I know my actor is free. But also due to his current job he needs to be clean shaven so wednesday is the day that he will have had a chance to grow a long enough beard/stubble.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Unsuccessful Life Costume: Denim Jacket

I am to use this denim jacket in the outfit for my unsuccessful life for when he is out and about in the day. This is because it is rather scruffy looking and con-notates for what I believe to be a scruffy appearance.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Facial Hair

To reinforce the differences between my main character in the two different worlds I have decided to change to appearance of his facial hair between the two. In the unsuccessful life he is going to have a scruffy looking beard/stubble as shown below along with a rather messy tangled hair look.

However I intend for my successful life character to be clean shaven and have a lot more of a smarter appearing hair cut and look as demonstrated below.

Prop Selection 5: Toaster

This is the taster I am going to use in the breakfast scene of my short film.

Supporting Actress

In one scene of my short film the main character in the unsuccessful world goes on a date with a girl who he then subsequently takes back to his place. This role is going to be played by Danielle Carey as pictured below. I have chosen her as she fits the role well and i believe she will have the best chemistry with the lead role in creating a realistic and authentic scene.

Prop Selection 4: Toast

Although used through out both worlds the props used to create the toast in my same film are going to be the same. This is because they are all ambiguous and cannot really convey a social class on their own. For this I will need; Bread, Butter and Jam. However the bread in the photo is obviously not the exact one that will be used in my short film as by the time it comes to filming it will have gone off. However it will be of the same brand.

Prop Selection 3: Cannabis Cigarette

While being what could be a rather controversial part of my short film I feel that it is a key part to building the character involved. I feel that it conveys him as the lower class of life classed with drug  use and portrays how he is the failure in everything deemed right as intended. Also how he isn't just another man in a suit and thats what makes him different to his more successful yet sadder counter part. However obviously due to being against the law I am going to substitute actual cannabis with oregon. Therefor for this prop I need three things and they are; Oregon, Tobacco and Rizla as shown below.

Prop Selection 2: Mug

These are the two mugs I have selected to use as props in my short film. The one on the left is going to be used in the successful life. This is because it has what looks like a more upper class and nicer pattern. The one on the right will be used for the unsuccessful life. This is because it is very plain simple and ordinary. Representing everything about the kind of life lived in that world.

Prop List

2x Alarm Clocks
2x Kettles
Tooth Brushes
Tooth Paste
Green Herbs
Old tv
Football Shirts
2xPhones One good one bad

Script Rewrite

In the opening scene the camera pans across floor of a messy dirty room of the unsuccessful person. This then transitions into the same camera angle panning across the floor of a much nicer clean tidy room belonging to the person’s successful counterpart. Next back in the unsuccessful world there is a close up of an alarm clock as it goes off followed by a hand slamming down and turning it off. As it hits the alarm clock and hand changes to that of the successful persons. The next shot is a split screen between both of the worlds. The camera is positioned to film just above the bed so that as they rise from their sleep they come into the shot. Camera is then positioned just above floor level of unsuccessful room focused on slippers which feet then go into. Feet are then followed as they walk out of room. Next shot is of staircase in successful life as actor comes into shot and walks down the stairs. Next is a long shot of successful life filling up a kettle. As turns to counter camera moves with him and transitions into unsuccessful doing the same and putting the kettle on. Next the kettle is shot in a close up using shallow focus. This then changes to the same shot of the other kettle also using shallow focus. While this is happening sound of the water boiling is heavily focused on. This same focus on sound is then used in an overhead shot of water being poured into mug. Next milk is poured into mug of the successful world and stirred.  Camera then changes to toast popping up. Hand then takes toast and camera follows transitioning into other world. Toast is then buttered and jammed in a close up. Next is a split screen of both worlds in a close up of mouth as bite into toast and eat. Scene then changes to in shower where camera is looking up at shower head as water is turned on. Vision is then obscured by water and when turns off now focused on shower head of successful life. Shot as hand grabs towel fumbles drops and then picks up again as camera follows. There is then a close up of tooth paste being put on tooth brush which changes to a close up on unsuccessful face as he brushes his teeth. As bends down to spit out he goes out of picture and head that comes back up is that off successful life. Scene then changes to back in bedrooms where various shots of each world are taken at close up of them getting dressed. Unsuccessful is really quick and casual so is also rolling a joint. There is then a first person shot of the unsuccessful person opening his front door. Use exposure of light to transition to long shot of successful person shutting his front door. Next there is a split screen of both men walking with the camera facing them shooting them in a medium close up. After this unsuccessful is at bus stop and there is a focus shift to the successful life in the background. Shot of successful one going into shop followed by tilt up to name of shop (Being a nice shop) this then changes to a charity shop and camera tilts down to see unsuccessful one coming out. Then changes to a split screen of both getting texted about a date close up on the phones and each one on replying. We then see successful one going into working filmed at a long shot. The scene then changes to first person opening his front door and going into house. Gets inside still first person see coming in with a group of guys all wearing football shirts etc. Changes to them all sitting on sofa drinking some beers they all jump up when goal is scored looking happy excited and glad to be with each other. the Camera changes to small tinny tv with football games on. This then changes to computer screen of successful life at work. Has a sandwich alone at work. Changes back to unsuccessful one getting ready for date.  Successful has no time as too busy working. Scene then changes to split screen both waiting to meet their dates. Successful one is waiting in a nice restaurant whilst other one is in a pub. Split screen then moves to unsuccessful one whose date has turned up. Meanwhile successful has been stood up and is looking sad. Scene then changes to split screen of them both walking home. Same camera angle of them walking as earlier on. Successful is walking alone while other one is walking with date on his arm.  Get into houses successful is greeted by cat as typical stereo type of lonely person. Unsuccessful has a smile on his face and is kissing girl. Closing scene unsuccessful rolls over in bed alone to see successful spooning with date. Closing scene both looking at each other from an aerial view.

MJ Thomas Production Indent

This is the indent for my own production company; 'MJ Thomas Productions Inc'. This will be played at the start of my short film as would be done with any professional production

Short Film Poster Rough Sketch

This is a rough sketch of how my short film poster is going to appear. in the final production of it there will be a lot more detail of course and possible added or edited features. But for all extensive purposes it is based on the idea of the short film having the actor living in two separate worlds. I am going to create the poster from two individual images. Both close ups on the actors face but living in both worlds. This will then be split in two as seen in the sketch to create the final poster.

Female Audition 4

Script Change

Originally my short film was intended for a female lead role but however due to the circumstances at hand this has been made very difficult. My original casting was not good enough at acting and by the time I had come to this conclusion the back up actress I wanted to use was already doing several short films and music videos making her schedule impossible. Therefor I will be using Max Dowling. A good friend who was initially going to be in my camera crew. However he is also a drama student giving him the acting capability I will need for my short film. Now I am going to rewrite several of my storyboards and script in order to taylor the same idea but to a mans perspective.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Female Audition 3

In order to get the best actors and actresses in my short movie I have conducted several short preliminary auditions to find whose best for the job. This is the first of the female audition tapes...

Female Audition 2

In order to get the best actors and actresses in my short movie I have conducted several short preliminary auditions to find whose best for the job. This is the first of the female audition tapes...

Female Audition 1

In order to get the best actors and actresses in my short movie I have conducted several short preliminary auditions to find whose best for the job. This is the first of the female audition tapes...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Male Audition 1

In order to get the best actors and actresses in my short movie I have conducted several short preliminary auditions to find whose best for the job. This is the first of the male audition tapes...

Location Selection 6: Bathroom

Currently I have been looking for a bathroom to use briefly in one seen. So far I have come up with three possible options that I haven't yet decided from below are pictures of them. Also I am always looking out for new locations so these may change at a later date.

Diary 2/05/12

Today I had intended to upload all my audition tapes that I shot last week and have been editing using Sony Vegas. However there is being a problem uploading videos straight to blogger. normally I wouldnt use a blogger upload and would do it through youtube. However the school system is currently not allowing me to use youtube due to being blocked. Therefor I am going to have to wait to do all this when I am at home using my own internet.